11 Four Seasons Drive | North Caldwell, NJ 07006 (610) 667-8300 info@fredgreenberg.com


To serve as a neutral arbitrator is a privilege and honor. The participants in any arbitration rely upon those appointed to serve as an arbitrator to be neutral, to conduct arbitration proceedings in a fair and dignified manner, to carefully and thoughtfully weigh the evidence and arguments submitted and to issue an award that is well-reasoned and principled. Fred Greenberg brings forty-five years of legal experience as a litigator, business lawyer and labor attorney to his service as an arbitrator. In the past several years, he has focused his practice on arbitration and has conducted more than one hundred and twenty arbitrations hearings for the New Jersey State Board of Mediation (NJSBM), the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), the New Jersey Attorney General’s Division of Consumer Affairs and the Morris County Superior Court. He has also served as a court appointed arbitrator in cases heard in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia County, and the Court of Common Pleas of Delaware County. Fred Greenberg comes to each arbitration hearing having read every submission presented in advance of the hearing. He carefully reviews the evidence presented and the arguments advanced by the parties at the hearing. He conducts respectful, focused, and even-handed hearings. His awards are issued promptly and reflect his unwavering commitment to providing an arbitration award that is supported by the evidence and applicable law and is neutral, fair, and well-reasoned. Along with his decades of legal experience he augments his skills by regularly participating in continuing legal education covering best practices in arbitration, such as the New York State Bar Association’s Dispute Resolution Section three-day commercial arbitration training program, multiple FINRA training programs, NYSBA and NJSBA continuing legal education on arbitration and New Jersey State Court arbitrator training. He is a member of both the New York State Bar Association and New Jersey State Bar Association Dispute Resolution Sections. Fred Greenberg has also completed substantial training in mediation and is a member of the New Jersey Association of Professional Mediators.